• Innovative mobile application “ZNAK”

    SN: SU23092023597

    Price USD: $900

    Personal non-property and property rights to the invention belong to the author and are protected according to the norms of the current legislation.
    Many developers of mobile applications are trying to find a topic to implement from an idea to a real work, which is innovative and new. Only then, in most cases, there is a prospect of growth and popularization at the global level. Today’s presentation is an example of that. The administration of the “INnovator” platform will try to thoroughly present and reveal the idea of this mobile application.
    So, very often, in ordinary life, during sleep, during meetings and holidays, we feel such moments that it seems to us that we have already experienced and felt these life moments somewhere and somehow. Very often we try to remember and reproduce in our thoughts or statements all these moments in the hope of predicting the future development of events. Or we feel some coincidences that seem completely non-random to us; the coincidence of new acquaintances that turned out to be long-desired; even sometimes, as some people like to say, that it is fate, and that, for example, being late for the bus, which turns out to be a participant in a car accident. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t, but still, such moments come to us very often. And on the basis of this, very often we perceive it as some kind of sign that we deserve it and start sharing it with everyone, and sometimes teach others the basics of a proper life.
    The innovative mobile application “SIGNS” will allow its users to keep their written blogs and tell virtual users about all these cases and moments in life, where, in their opinion, they saw some signs in them, on the basis of which some events took place . They will describe small stories about how it happened and how it ended. For example, the author of the idea provided such a case from real life – a young man made a mistake by one digit when dialing a number on a mobile phone. A girl picked up the phone, with whom the young man talked, agreed to meet, got to know each other, and in the end they got married and live a happy life. This young man himself said that it was a landmark situation for him when he accidentally made a mistake by one digit when dialing a phone number. Or another example – one young couple bought a car with an automatic transmission. At an intersection, at a red traffic light, the car stalls for some reason. Although motorists know that a car should never stall on an automatic transmission. So, when the green signal of the traffic light turned on, the car of this young couple could not start moving for some time, as it needed time to restart the engine. And at this time, in front of their car, a tree falls. If they had started moving in time, this tree would have fallen on their car, and the consequences would have been unpredictable. All these cases from life can be called some kind of vital signs that should be looked at closely. Sometimes our lack of attention can lead to such signs, which can lead to deplorable situations and consequences.
    The description of such iconic situations by users in their written blogs can give their readers the opportunity to take from them information that may be needed in their future real life. Discussion of personal written blogs will be available to any registered user on this mobile application. In the form of corporate style, every such new written blog will begin with the words – OH, THIS IS A SIGN!
    This idea is open both for investment and for its full purchase.

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