• Line of spray products “Innovator”. Spray bread “Innovator”

    SN: SU17082023565

    Price USD: $

    Personal non-property and property rights to the invention belong to the author and are protected according to the norms of the current legislation.
    In continuation of the development of the idea of cream bread “INnovator”, the author provided a new innovative and revolutionary continuation of the development of this topic under the name spray bread “INnovator”.
    Having the same manufacturing recipe and composition as cream bread, this food product, namely “Innovator” spray bread, was placed by the author under pressure in an ordinary aerosol can of different volume. At the output of such a cylinder, we get an aerosol product with a foamy composition, which does not differ in its composition and taste characteristics from ordinary bread. Only the consumption of such an innovative product will have, without exaggeration, a global and mass character. It is very convenient in any situation, starting with home conditions and ending with going out into nature, using such a product on trips. The process of use is as comfortable and hygienic as possible. And the capacity of spray bread in an aerosol can is quite significant. Accordingly, all types and flavors of bakery products that exist in our use can also be used in this technology.
    That is, we have the preservation of the taste qualities of bread and an increase in the comfortable conditions of its use, no matter how strange it sounds.
    The idea is open for investment.

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