• Innovative mobile application “Alco-friend”

    SN: SU29092023602

    Price USD: $1500

    Personal non-property and property rights to the invention belong to the author and are protected in accordance with the norms of current legislation.
    As we always warn, there may be some similarities in the ideas posted on the Innovator platform. Today’s presentation of the author’s idea of the innovative mobile application “Alco-friend” has some similarities to those applications that are available on the Internet. You can also argue about the need for this program. But to a greater extent, this startup has more positive sides, which will be described below.
    So, people have hundreds of thousands of different stories and anecdotes, written scientific and educational works, etc., about the passion for drinking alcoholic beverages and for the usual moderate amount of its use, about the culture of drinking. In today’s world, there are already a large number of mobile applications that reduce the importance of alcohol in our lives and increase it. Today’s presentation of this idea has a neutral indicator of significance, in which both the author and the platform administration see nothing against it.
    This innovative application allows a person who needs company to drink alcohol to virtually choose such a virtual companion, taking into account all his wishes at the beginning of the search and formation of such a virtual personality. That is, so that the future user does not look for such an alcoholic friend in institutions or on the streets, thereby putting himself in a risk zone, he can quite calmly select the appropriate parameters in the menu of the “Alco-friend” mobile application that suit him to spend an evening in the company a person, only a virtual one, with whom she will be happy to drink and talk. Already existing programs have the functionality of recognizing the alcoholic state of a person. There will also be a function that will let you know from the mouth of a virtual alcoholic friend, in the inherent manner of communication, that it is enough and time to go to bed. Of course, the choice of such virtual alcoholic friends will be quite diverse, starting with the choice of a person’s gender, and ending with acceptable age indicators.
    In order to increase the future audience of users of this innovative mobile application “Alco-friend”, it will be possible to arrange virtual group chats, where the chosen virtual alco-friend, on par with real people in the chat, will participate in the event and conduct soulful conversations in it, or be on to such an online event in the form of a toastmaster or another character who will be able to choose at the beginning of such an event.
    That is, we have a mobile application that can simplify the situation with the consumption of alcoholic beverages in terms of organizing and conducting such an event at home and under the control of virtual images. Of course, this program will not remove all such possible situations from the risk zone. But it will protect and protect them from unwanted consequences as much as possible.
    This idea is open to both investment and full redemption.

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