• Innovative social network of enemies “INVRAG”

    SN: SU02122023657

    Price USD: $1000


    Personal non-property and property rights to the invention belong to the author and are protected in accordance with the norms of current legislation.

    The name of the author’s idea of the innovative social network of enemies “INVRAG” is quite categorical and noticeable, which in its main functionality has a rather peaceful content and is not aimed at any hostile or bellicose motives. Here, first of all, enemies will meet, and then, with the participation of a third person who will play the main role in reconciliation, they should establish normal relations. We will describe it below.


    So, this social network will serve as a platform where enemies or people who have quarreled from different life situations will meet. Both they and third parties can register a new pair of enemies or enemies. Of course, the circle of such enemies can be more than two people, which will be available at the registration stage. The main task of this startup will be the reconciliation of such people, or at least an attempt at reconciliation. As already mentioned, third parties will be an integral part of this process. This will be correct, because in hostile or unfriendly relations, mediators, or as they are called in our country, third parties, play a significant, and perhaps even the main, role in reconciliation. When such a situation is registered by the enemies or disputants themselves, they necessarily indicate the contact and personal data of the third person with their consent. Acting enemies may not even know that they are registered in the enemy’s social network. A third person can register, to whom the incognito function will be available, describe the situation that caused this dispute or hostile mood, and explain it all, even without names and surnames, from this network. In the course of public discussions, everyone can express their opinion about this kind of situation and ways to solve it. Then a third person, who can remain incognito, uses the network functionality to send a message to the enemies themselves that their situation is up for public discussion.

    In every foreign council, one of these parties can find arguments that will affect a hostile or contested situation, and the enemies can give up their unnecessary ambitions, come to the negotiating table, and find a compromise in their decisions or actions. By the way, when the enemies will observe the entire public opinion of their hostile relations on this platform, the functionality will offer them actions related to faster reconciliation. For example, organizing a meeting with the participation of third parties. In the future, this is also what the same network functionality seeks, there will be a possibility that enemies can become friends or partners. And the communication of enemies can turn into communication of friends, only on other social platforms, which will again be offered by the innovative network of enemies after the end of the reconciliation process.

    Without exaggeration, we can add that if this described startup works properly, a lot of controversial issues will move from courtrooms to this platform. Also, entire nations that are at war can be participants. You can even say that this is the startup of the world! Although with a rather opposite name…

    Making brief conclusions, we can add that the innovative social network of enemies “INVRAG” can work in conjunction with other existing social networks, which will affect the mutual increase in the number of users.


    This idea is available both as an investment and as a full purchase.

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