• Military social network “Innovator”

    SN: SU18122023669

    Price USD: $2000



    Personal non-property and property rights for the invention belong to the author and protected under current legislation.

     Information themes of military areas gained, and gaining, a large public scale. Without the social component, which plays a significant voice in war-crimes trials, there is no clear and full understanding of military processes. That is why it was decided by the administration platform “Innovator” to present one and the first military social networking and perhaps the first of its kind, in its pure form as the source of all initial and final processes that occur at the front, in the rear, in the learning process and hospital beds in military hospitals.
     It is, in some cases, a bad source of public and open communication, which will set forth the truth about the military actions and their consequences, about family problems in the military, about the prospects of military training, starting with the cadet’s age, the prospects after the training services and the ability of the service in foreign armies. That is not unimportant – will service of searching for missing military personnel and their families.And much more that directly and indirectly relates to military direction.
     Registration will occur in an original way – through a military ticket and epaulets, who will have the opportunity to photograph and put on their main page was, and the usual standard way of registration. Unless of course, it is not a secret and confidential information. It will also present an original interface that includes military memorabilia in the country where the user is logged in; it will sound the anthem of the corresponding country when entering in the social military network “Innovator”; personal page of a registered user will be issued subject to the military profession the member’s military social networking – tank, in the cockpit view of the tank, the pilot, in the cockpit, staff officer, in the form of staff rooms, cook, plain, or field kitchens, etc. can All be made out, in automatic mode, this startup, when carrying out a corresponding registration as a new user.
     In fact, when preparing for the publication of this idea, the administration platform “Innovator” came to the conclusion that the amount of new information and functionality of this military social network was large enough. This suggests that a lot of people, directly or indirectly, have or have had a relationship to military issues. A lot of people are interested in news and want to discuss the huge flow of information that is associated with this direction. A lot of people want to see the prospects for peace and stability. This suggests that the promotion of investment and development prospects of the network is very large. Is undeveloped niche is social communication, which is present in all media.
     Simply put, the administration platform “Innovator” recommends that consideration be given to potential investors the possibility of joint development of this startup or foreclosure.

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