• Mobile application of the zodiac priority “Innovator”

    SN: SU29112023654

    Price USD: $1500

    Personal non-property and property rights to the invention belong to the author and are protected in accordance with the norms of current legislation.

    The author of this original idea, referring to the zodiacal meaning of each individual person, proposes to turn it into a full-fledged mobile application that will adjust its functionality to the given values of its users. The zodiac priority mobile application “INnovator” is a continuation of the previously published gender priority mobile application and has the same author. All necessary functionality for the full operation of this startup will be described below.
    So, the zodiac priority mobile program will be able to work both with existing registered users and new ones. This startup can be installed on any operating system running on a gadget or other smart device. The basic principle of operation is that the functionality of the mobile application asks its user one question – to which zodiac sign he belongs. Or you can simply enter your date of birth. After that, the entire menu of the gadget or smart device is automatically adjusted according to the specified parameter. This will be reflected in the color scheme, sound effects and personal personalization. That is, each existing zodiac sign will have its own functionality.

    Since each zodiac sign has its own acceptable color, the functional will use this color as much as possible in the service menu of the corresponding user’s gadget or smart device. Music and sound effects will work on the same principle. A completely innovative function will be able to determine the zodiac match of different users and will be called a mobile zodiac mirror. That is, during an incoming or outgoing call, the subscriber will see the zodiac sign of another user. And in the event of a zodiac match, a special signal will notify all participants of the telephone or SMS dialogue. Also, in the phone book of all users where this application is installed, a separate icon will indicate the zodiac sign and the zodiac mirror. Naturally, each user will be able to set their individual settings, which will allow to diversify the existing functionality of the mobile application for an individual user.

    At the end of the presentation, we can say that the mobile application of the zodiac priority “INNOVATOR” will be a rather exciting startup with an entertaining effect and increase the circle of its users due to the zodiac priority and a new function – the zodiac mirror. Also, the author of this idea plans to expand the existing functionality of this program, referring to the personal settings of users, which, in his opinion, will lead to the complete globalization of this startup.


    This idea is open to both investment and full redemption.

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