• Smart-nails “Innovator”

    SN: SU15122023667

    Price USD: $1900



    Personal non-property and property rights for the invention belong to the author and protected under current legislation.


    The idea is that given the speed of development of modern IT-technology, and now the process of manicure and pedicure will be completely different. False nails special composition and coating, in principle, touch-screens, with the help of mobile applications and standard interfacing with a gadget can change the advance set parameters, the color or colors the nails themselves. If the client wishes, a small area of the nail itself (nails), can be output as images, photos and a small amount of footage, which, in turn, at pre-established time parameters, can change the “filling” of the nail (nails). I mean, even the regular user of this technology, if you already have a properly nakleânnymi nails, can change their color settings in any desired or convenient point.



    The idea is open for partial redemption and for investments.

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