• Social network gadgets “Innovator”

    SN: SU16122023668

    Price USD: $3900



    Personal non-property and property rights for the invention belong to the author and protected under current legislation.

     It is no exaggeration to say that this startup is a unique and innovative social network. Its functionality is completely new, and yet not repeat. Platform “Innovator” and the author of this original idea will present the main points for your investment of attention.
      In this social network gadgets, which includes the ability to use smartphones, tablets, TVs and other smart devices, the main innovation is not personalized registration, i.e. registration of gadgets. Yes, your gadgets are the subject of the functioning of this social network. Registration is very simple and includes a contact phone number or an e-mail and type the name and model of the program automatically registers itself. After this registration, the user of your gadget sees a separate field in the main page list is identical to the name or model of the same gadgets, or close to such. That is, using known feature of the mirror. Further, the user sees suggestions to make friends gadgets, which are identical or close to that, and after the consent is the additional data query, already users of these gadgets. After confirming everything goes according to the usual procedure of passing a friendly virtual relationship, now users of gadgets. Mirror function this social network can also be used not only on the model of phone, and the phone numbers – the more digital a match in the phone number, the greater the opportunity to receive a friend request.
     Also, we can observe the automatic correspondence of their gadgets, share their photos, friendship well, etc. This is all happening regardless of our interference, which can cause users of their gadgets in a fun mood when observing this process. If the user of your gadget does not confirm the friendship at the level of the same user, the gadgets can make friends with each other, but it does not affect the beginning of friendly relations between the owners of the gadgets.
     By manufacturers of devices will be of tremendous interest to maintain direct contacts and friendly relations in the social network gadgets “Innovator” of the same models for direct presentation of new or updated models. The user of the gadget will be able to observe the sadness of your gadget that soon it can change to a newer model or another manufacturer of the same name.
     Well, really there is much to describe the functionality of this startup. Further disclosure will be presented in the framework of investment cooperation or full foreclosure.

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