• Weekend social network “Innovator”

    SN: SU28112023653

    Price USD: $2000



    Personal non-property and property rights to the invention belong to the author and are protected in accordance with the norms of current legislation.
    According to statistics, the amount of activity of social network users decreases on weekends. And this is natural, because the weekend usually takes place in active household chores or active recreation. Or just in a quiet and calm mode. In other words, the weekend changes the usual working mode of any person. Here, taking into account these features, the author of the idea and the “Innovator” platform presents to your attention the “Innovator” weekend social network startup project.

    Any such project should have a rather unusual and innovative component to attract users and increase the popularization of this project. So, this startup “sleeps” on working days, but in connection with your pages and accounts of other social networks, it analyzes all your activity and all your actions. By the end of the working week, the weekend social network offers its user a plan for the weekend. And then reminds during the weekend about all the proposed activities. A rather in-depth analysis of the user’s state of health with the help of special applications downloaded to your gadget provides an opportunity for this. This allows this program to plan a set of activities and offer them to its user. The previous actions of the user last weekend are also evaluated, analyzed, and accordingly a repetition of these activities or a replacement is offered, taking into account the theme of the activities – a trip to the cinema, a night club or a restaurant, etc.
    After finishing a partial description of the functionality of this startup, we can add that sometimes a hint of some weekend activities will provide an opportunity to conduct them more rationally.


    The idea is open both for investment and for their complete redemption.

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