• A series of sensory cutlery “Innovator”. Innovator cutlery mobile app

    SN: SU07092023583

    Price USD: $

    Personal non-property and property rights to the invention belong to the author and are protected in accordance with the norms of current legislation.

    The mobile application is the main control body of all innovative sensor cutlery. The program can be used both at home and for commercial purposes when organizing the workflow in restaurants, canteens and cafes.

    First of all, the program is intended for use at home. The information that will be displayed on the screens of touch cutlery will be purely individual for each registered user. Touch cutlery serves as remote devices for your gadget, like a smart watch. Touch sensors on cutlery let you know about the amount of food, its quality and calorie content. And the mobile application evaluates the submitted information, processes it and gives its recommendations. The mobile application can be used for medical purposes, when the doctor clearly controls the entire diet of his patient.

    For commercial purposes, this technology will be very interestingly applied in the organization of food control by customers from the staff of restaurant and public establishments. The staff will always be clearly aware of the presence of food on the customer’s plates in order to clean up dirty dishes from their customers in time, commercial advertising will be very effective, which will be centrally broadcast on the screens of the sensor cutlery of the respective establishment, there will be an accurate record of the presence of the entire set of sensor cutlery. since all of them will be under the remote control of the institution’s administration, etc.

    To date, only the sensor plate, sensor spoon and sensor fork are presented as part of the work of the cutlery mobile application. Soon, a number of table-touch and table-smart devices will be added here.
    The app will have free registration. Sensory dining devices naturally come at a price.
    An investment component or a full purchase of this author’s idea is being considered.

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