• A series of sensory cutlery “Innovator”. Touch table plate

    SN: SU30082023576

    Price USD: $

    Personal non-property and property rights to the invention belong to the author and are protected in accordance with the norms of current legislation.
    In our time of mobile devices and opportunities, there is nothing to be surprised about innovation in this direction. The “Innovator” platform begins to present the author’s project of sensor cutlery “Innovator”. The sensor table plate will be presented first.
    As already mentioned, we are no longer surprised by new and innovative devices and objects in our everyday life. But, of course, the ways of development of these directions have not yet been completed. The innovative touch table plate is a tableware protected from mechanical damage, the surface of which is basically an ordinary touch screen of various shapes and sizes. The plate itself, surprisingly, has direct access to both a Wi-Fi signal and a direct connection to the Innovator sensor cutlery mobile application. That is, management of interactive processes taking place in your plate is directly controlled by your gadget. From the outside, it looks quite unusual, but the user himself has the opportunity not to break away from his virtual world even while eating. For ease of use, touch panels built into the plate can be placed both on the bottom of the plate – for small dishes, and on their walls – for deep dishes. This dish is charged using an innovative wireless charging method when the dish is not in use. Caring for these dishes is different from ordinary cutlery, but not difficult.
    A simpler approach to this issue can be applied in the form of transparent plastic overlays on your gadgets, which will be temporarily attached to the base of the proposed tableware. But this is a larger derivative.
    So, we have a completely new and original kind of mobile devices, which in some cases, for very busy people, will be indispensable!
    An investment component or a full purchase of this author’s idea is being considered.

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