• Alcoholic cream bread “Innovator”

    SN: SU19092023593

    Price USD: $

    Personal non-property and property rights to the invention belong to the author and are protected in accordance with the norms of current legislation.

    A purely author’s project, which is already gaining popularity and understanding among investors regarding its attractiveness. We will not describe much today, because the main content of this idea is already shown in the video presentation. Only as part of the development of this project, an ingredient – a corresponding unit of composition in the form of an alcohol base – was added to this product.

    So, to the already known original cream-bread product, the basis of which are known components, another ingredient was added – alcohol. The ratio of alcohol is different, depending on the percentage capacity of this product of this ingredient. That is, the strength of alcoholic cream bread can be different, which will be confirmed by the corresponding indicators on the package.

    As a result of such an innovative product, we have the birth of a completely new alcoholic product that fundamentally changes the use of products containing alcohol. The simplicity and convenience of use speaks for itself – it does not spill, the possibility of using various forms of packaging, pleasant taste compatibility with various food products. For example, it is possible to easily eat with a spoon or prepare alcoholic salads. Without exaggeration, we can say that a new culture of consuming food products containing alcohol is emerging, and with it a new branch of food production is emerging – the alcoholic food industry. Naturally, the sale of alcoholic beverages is subject to licensing and the application of excise taxes. In our case, within the framework of the legislation, a similar approach will also be applied when selling this alcoholic product.
    Below we will recall the presentation of the first cream product – cream bread, which served to develop this topic.
    The idea is to turn the bread into the original buttery mass and place it in individual packaging – glass, paper or “tube packaging”. When eating, it is convenient to apply bread cream to other products with the help of a convenient package. The shelf life is extended, the possibility of making various flavors, including sweet, the versatility of storage and transportation, the ease of heating, including in the microwave oven.

    This idea is open to both investment and full redemption.

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