• Geoneedle “INNOVATOR”

    SN: SU09102023610

    Price USD: $

    Personal non-property and property rights to the invention belong to the author and are protected in accordance with the norms of current legislation.

    The idea is quite difficult to describe. Below we will try to explain it quite clearly.
    The theme of the idea is a future social network that has a very specific and unusual application and characteristics. Communication is the main task of any social network. For interesting and broad communication, it is necessary to have a circle of communication. And the bigger it is, the more interesting and meaningful the communication becomes. Increasing the circle of communication is currently offered by social networks with the help of a suitable search. Searches are also different in different networks.

    A new type of exciting and unique, so far search, is offered by the future GeoIgle social network “Innovator”. We know that an ordinary needle can penetrate into any hard-to-reach places. The same principle applies to searching for a virtual needle from this social network. GeoIgla, with the help of accurate and available map data of the whole world, when the user sets a task on your gadget or PC with the help of touch control or a mouse click, “penetrates” any part of the Earth and sends a virtual signal to the requester who is on-line social network. Of course, all large networks were built that way, starting with a limited number of users. Both with the increase of users and with a properly constructed and convenient menu, the network grows and turns into large platforms of various communication. So in our case, the beginning has been made, and GeoIgla is ready to “pierce” the earth’s crust in search of people and find friends who have a desire to communicate and strengthen their relationships.
    For faster promotion of this startup, the developers of the program are working on connecting GeoNeedle “INnovator” with other social networks. During the work, registered users will observe this process.
    Also, an innovative component will be a rather unusual and convenient menu, especially a virtual “needle prick” in your gadget or PC, which will be accompanied by a bright graphic image and a pleasant signal. This is how the request to add to friends will come. And then GeoIgla “stitches” the relationship every time there is communication. And many other things that will work in the structure of the social network – GeoIgla “INnovator”.

    The developer of this startup is ready to develop it on the basis of partnerships, to show the structure and order of operation of his unusual menu.
    For more detailed information, send all questions to the e-mail address of the “Innovator” platform or call +380505238948.

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