• Innovative crowdfunding syndicate “To the point”

    SN: SU09022024714

    Price USD: $3000


    Personal non-property and property rights for the invention belong to the author and protected under current legislation.

    At the beginning of the presentation of the author’s ideas of moderation platform “Innovator” confirms that the presented startup is quite promising and innovative, the action and operation of which will be distributed at the global level. Below will be described in a brief functionality of the entire future work of the innovative crowdfunding syndicate “To the point”, which will reveal its functioning.

    So, in recent years is rapidly gaining momentum in the subject of crowdfunding. And financial flows in this direction are increasing significantly every year. Accordingly, increasing the number of resources associated with this direction. In the same example there are crowdfunding platforms “Innovator”. The author of this idea has created a resource that can combine all these resources into a single resource crowdfunding – an innovative crowdfunding syndicate.

    The principle of the future work will consist in the fact that any user, having the desire to present their idea or project, and populates the corresponding original entry in the presentation form of the innovation crowdfunding syndicate “Innovator”. After moderation, according to the startup, in the automatic mode, the functionality of the application locates the presentation material for all the available resources of the subjects of crowdfunding, angel investing and venture capital financing. First and foremost, crowdfunding direction! Moreover, the functionality will be to locate the appropriate project or idea many one-off, but already on a paid basis. Startups, after the presentation of the material, and the moderation gets a huge information session in the form of presentation of its investment crowdfunding or ideological project. That is, the innovative crowdfunding syndicate “Innovator” will give the opportunity to its users one time to submit your project, which will be later presented to all existing similar resources.

    That is why there is a global perspective of the application of this innovative services and the rapid popularization of the product.

    So, as already mentioned earlier, having a desire once to submit your presentation material, the user will receive the opportunity to increase the chances to realize their ideas and projects in the shortest possible time, using innovative crowdfunding syndicate “Innovator” by increasing the information content and recognition. Other similar platforms is also an interesting relationship with this resource, as the number of presentation projects will increase and they have.


    The idea is open to both investment and full buyout.

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