• Innovative mobile application “Selfie-Smart” or “SS”

    SN: SU04112023633

    Price USD: $2500

    Personal non-property and property rights to the invention belong to the author and are protected in accordance with the norms of current legislation.

    In the search and survey of the Internet space, the administration of the “Innovator” platform did not find similar mobile programs. And on the basis of this, we quite rightly believe that this startup is new, innovative, investment and promising, because selfies and ordinary photos become the object of a new level of smart processing or a new format of displaying photos – “SS”, which will be below described
    So, all of us, taking selfies or photos, often compare ourselves, comparing pictures taken at different times. The innovative mobile application “Selfie-Smart” will make it possible, with the help of its internal functionality, to automatically perform such an analysis, comparing all the photos taken. Based on the results of the analysis, the application will, with each new photo taken, show the changes that occurred during the period between the photos taken. The presence of changes will be shown in the form of frame reproduction or GIF technology of previously taken photos and a short description of them. The assessment will take place quite accurately and quickly, which will include, for example, changes in the style of clothing; how the proportions of the face or body have changed; the presence of new wrinkles on the face; change of hairstyle, etc. The user only needs to specify the evaluation period. Such smart ratings can be applied to any photo that is in the gallery of the gadget or PC. These photos processed by the “Selfie-Smart” application can, if desired, be displayed in the form of the new “SS” photo display format. Selfies and photos processed with “SS” technology will have an exclusive frontal dimming in the color of the user’s choice. As an indispensable condition for the functioning and operation of such applications, it is available in public access for downloading and further use.
    It will be quite interesting and convenient to use such an application for athletes who work on their body shapes. For example, arm wrestlers. With each photo taken, the functionality of the program will show changes in body proportions that occur during training. Or, as another example, photos taken before and after dieting or fasting. Moreover, when evaluating such photos, the approximate body weight of the user of this innovative mobile application will be shown.

    That is, “Selfie-Smart” or “SS” has a completely new format for displaying photos both in normal mode and in selfie mode. Processed photos will now have an innovative new look that our experts believe will take its place in the segment.
    This idea is open to both investment and full redemption.

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