• Innovative project “New Moon”

    SN: SU22082023569

    Price USD: $

    Personal non-property and property rights to the invention belong to the author and are protected in accordance with the norms of current legislation.

    This presentation carries with it the author’s idea of the “Innovator” platform. It consists in moving the celebration of the New Year to a monthly period and calling it the celebration of the New Moon. Below we will describe why and why such a strange idea was born at first glance.

    In the New Year, we all wait for some kind of miracle, when the implementation of all our plans ends and their summing up, when we spend the old year with its successes and problems and meet the new year with its hopes and new perspectives. But it all happens once a year! An absolutely adequate and understandable question is asked – why not celebrate this kind of event more often, well, at least once a month?! It will be possible to build and adjust your plans much more often, it will be possible to wish each person pleasant wishes more often and receive gifts, etc.

    Most likely, this idea will be the first to be implemented on the television channel and radio “INnovator” in the form of a TV and radio project, which will be a pioneer and legislator in the implementation of this idea. According to marketers’ forecasts, first of all, retail chains and entertainment establishments will join this innovative project. This will attract potential buyers and visitors as there will be ongoing monthly promotions and discounts in reference to the New Moon celebration. The television and radio project will broadcast the monthly preparation and celebration of the meeting of the New Moon, with corresponding shows. Structures of different levels and forms of ownership, of different directions, including state institutions, can join this project, again according to the forecasts of our experts.

    Of course, the full functionality of this innovative project “New Moon” includes a rather voluminous list of all items. With partnership relations or investment prospects for the development of this project, there is an opportunity for potential partners or investors to enter into relevant contractual relations and study the full business plan of this startup.

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