• Gossip and rumors mobile application “INNOVATOR”

    SN: SU04102023606

    Price USD: $2500

    Personal non-property and property rights to the invention belong to the author and are protected in accordance with the norms of current legislation.

    Indeed, a unique startup idea in which you can find completely unreal stories and stories about people and events that happened to them or could happen. You can learn a lot of new and unusual things about yourself, share the latest information. It is a virtual platform for those who lack communication or company to express themselves or get answers to their personal and social questions. The Innovator gossip and rumor mobile application will be an online platform where you can change yourself and your views, as there will be direct and open information.
    So, very often people suffer from false information that sounds about them behind their backs. Very often you have to prove your rightness and defend it in disputes and discussions. It may not always come out because of the lack of people who tell any unnecessary and false information, or the situation that can allow it. The mobile application of gossip and rumors will give an opportunity to realize yourself as people who stand to protect their honor and reputation, and people who spread all this unnecessary information. That is, it is a platform where two opposite people with their opposite opinions meet. They may not even know themselves, as the functionality of the application will allow registration without personal identification. These people or groups of people will be able to communicate, if desired, in an anonymous status, and resolve their interpersonal relationships online.
    Also, a rather interesting and innovative service will allow spreading rumors, which has been quite popular at all times. Rumors will be linked to the profile of the person they are arguing about, if their text contains the contact details of that person. The new hearing will be accompanied by a signal accompaniment. Accordingly, the person himself, towards whom the hearing was launched, can comment on it or refute it, which will also be available in the functionality of this application.

    It will be even more interesting with gossip, because the imagination of gossipers usually knows no bounds! There will be no thematic restrictions and prohibitions, which will be quite popular among people of this type. This service is aimed primarily at the fact that normal people who suffer and are upset by such situations and people, can in time give an adequate fight back and protect their honor and dignity.

    So, this rather interesting and innovative mobile application has a high degree of growth and popularization due to its new direction in virtual communication of this specific kind. There are no analogues of a mobile application of this kind related to functional work with gossip and rumours. There are prospects to develop this application into a real social network of a specific type and subject. There is also an opportunity to develop this project as a separate startup or as a new service in already existing social networks and messengers. The functionality of this author’s idea is not fully explained, since the moderation of the “Innovator” platform has its own internal corporate requirements related to the scope of the text presentation and the disclosure of the semantic theme of the idea.
    This idea is open to both investment and full redemption.

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