“Innovator” smart sleep system. “Innovator” smart pillow
Home › Innovation › “Innovator” smart sleep system. “Innovator” smart pillow
SN: SU05072023527
Price USD: $

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The idea is that the smart pillow, with the help of a special safe coating, assesses the condition of the hair when it is used during sleep or rest. The condition of the hair is evaluated according to several parameters – greasiness, the state of their cleanliness, possibly even brittleness. The pillow is paired with a gadget via a special application, which displays all of the above data. The convenience is that the user knows the state of his hair every day. The data, if desired, can be transferred to a personal hairdresser who, on the basis of these data, will determine the types of hairdressing services acceptable to you at this time. Also, for convenience, on the road or on a trip, a cover for a smart pillow is available, which performs the same functions. Simply, this cover can be put on any pillow in any place.
Also, in the additional functions of the smart pillow, its LED backlight will be available; alarm clock and masseur service; built-in speaker and microphone that will ensure reception of incoming phone calls; the function of changing the size of the smart pillow with the help of a built-in mini-compressor, which will inflate or deflate it according to the user’s requirements. And, of course, all this will be available with the help of the mobile application of the same name. A number of parental control functions will be available in the children’s version of the INnovator smart pillow.
The idea is open both for investment and for its full purchase.
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