Lighting bricks “Innovator”
SN: SU08122023662
Price USD: $700

Personal non-property and property rights to the invention belong to the author, and are protected in accordance with the norms of the current legislation.
The idea is that lighting bricks will be used in the construction of brick houses, the task of which will be in the aesthetics of lighting buildings and structures. That is, the “INNOVator” lighting bricks have the dimensions of a standard brick, or several bricks, as in the composition of the brickwork itself (2-6 pieces). They can be used in corner masonry, when framing doors and windows with bricks, in the construction of thresholds and slopes. Use is possible both on the street and indoors, the basement. The principle of laying is no different from ordinary brick, that is, it lies on the mortar, and power is supplied to it.
The lighting brick itself consists of a solid frame (metal, plastic, stone, concrete), elements of the lighting device are built into the frame (cartridge, connectors, holders of these elements, the lamp itself of various power, motion and light sensors). In the frame, with possible more expensive configurations, a camera and (or) a scanner for reading certain data can be mounted.
As already mentioned, the aesthetics in this matter and the practicality, the beauty of ready-made buildings and buildings are increasing. There is a new trend in building design.
The idea is open only for investment.
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