• Mobile app selfie-combine “Innovator”

    SN: SU01022024708

    Price USD: $3000

    Personal non-property and property rights for the invention belong to the author and protected under current legislation.

    Another author’s idea, aimed at increasing user experience with their photographs and selfies standard way. Given the steady growth and popularization of digital photo destinations, another possibility for automatic processing of pictures, especially in gaming and entertainment style, which will be implemented in the new mobile app selfie-combine “Innovator”.

    So, in fact, the functionality of the app to users is extremely easy to use but not simple in the software design. First, the algorithm of use of the registered subscribers of the app – new subscribers are downloading mobile application selfie-combine and undergo fairly simple registration. The functionality of the application will allow to work with your existing photos and new ones, having access to the gallery of Your gadget. This happens so the subscriber applications when it opens the Central page of this startup, you see a colored screen saver with simple lines and is divided into three parts of this screen. At the side of the subscriber hosts selfies or regular photos as your image and other people. And when you click on the start button start combining photos in automatic mode combines the functionality of the two selected photographs into a single, new, and places it on the middle part of the screen. As a result, there is a new photo image. Here what is the gaming and entertainment areas of this application. Also, in automatic mode, the functionality calls him and asks permission to forward this photo image those people that were participants in the matching process.

    It will be very difficult of carrying out alignment software package applications as photo pictures of faces and silhouettes are quite different in size and age of people. Also the functionality it will try to correctly identify the names of the people in the pictures being attached to telephone your existing phone address book of the subscriber.

    The author also indicates that it was held first in the circle of people trial combination individuals through their drawing. This very process we all liked it, and then test the interactive alignment using a normal photoshop program. That is why was born the idea to realize this task, just in a full-fledged software product in the form of mobile application selfie-combine “Innovator”.

    Summarizing this presentation, it is possible to tell that a startup sells presented the appearance of neutral and new stills from used a real photo materials. This mobile service can add to the functionality of social networks in the process of interactive fun and added to the friends list. In this friendly context, to appear their virtual image, indicating the beginning of a friendship and as the avatar of friendly tandem.


    The idea is open to both investment and full buyout.

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