• Mobile application of religious priority “Innovator”

    SN: SU24112023650

    Price USD: $1000

    Personal non-property and property rights to the invention belong to the author and are protected in accordance with the norms of current legislation.

    In continuation of the presentation of original innovative ideas of mobile programs of relevant priorities, the administration of the “INnovator” platform presents the next startup – a mobile application of the religious priority “INnovator”. A detailed description of this innovative startup, which also has a global nature of development and application, will be presented below.
    So, the mobile application of the religious priority “Innovator” will be available to both new and existing users. When registering a subscriber of any gadget, any operating system will ask a potential new user one important question – his religious priority. That is, the user sees on the screen of his new gadget a rather simple and important question for most users – which religious faith is your priority and main. Upon receiving a response, the functionality of this mobile application automatically links all existing religious canons, events and important dates to the common functionality of the corresponding gadget. For example, ringtones can correspond to the melodies of the corresponding religion. The color palette will work according to the same principle. Also, the calendar will be able to clearly notify its user about all religious holidays and significant church dates – for example, the beginning and end of church fasting.

    The manual mode of using this mobile application implies individual settings, because there are many religions and each user has his own attitude towards them. This is what the author of this innovative idea proposes to maximally customize the individual use of this startup for each existing or new user. For existing users, the Innovator religious priority mobile application will be freely available on any existing operating system.

    What is not least important in the work of this program is that the functionality provides each user with their individual virtual priest. He, the virtual priest, will perform his respective duties for his user. For example, he will be able to read a prayer or answer a question of his religious orientation user. The virtual priest of the religious priority mobile application “Innovator” will have his own church parish. This function is designed for the future transition of this startup from an ordinary application to a full-fledged religious social network of an innovative nature.
    So, we have a continuation of the theme of mobile applications of the appropriate priority, only with even greater global prospects and a rapid increase in users of all religions and denominations.


    This idea is open to both investment and full redemption.


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