• Smart hookah “Innovator”

    SN: SU12092023587

    Price USD: $

    Personal non-property and property rights to the invention belong to the author and are protected in accordance with the norms of current legislation.

    In our time of photographing all processes, we try to capture almost all of our daily life with photo reports and show all these pictures to the public. We present another device for such an interesting process for your review – the “Innovator” smart hookah.

    This is not exactly pleasing, but there are more and more people who want to sit at the table in the company of friends and comrades around a hookah. Hundreds of thousands of pictures are posted on the network with such an angle. To simplify the process of photo and video recording, cameras are mounted in the upper part of the hookah, with the help of which a person smoking or simply from a certain company has the opportunity to photograph both himself and others. Of course, the hookah can be combined with any gadget to control the process of shooting and transferring photo and video materials. The camera can be installed as one, with the possibility of circular shooting, and several, to improve the quality of overview images. In a separate configuration, night cameras can be installed. The mobile application itself allows, as previously stated, to fully control all processes of the smart hookah, even the smoking process itself, in which, with the help of compact and silent pumps, it is possible to smoke the smoking mixture of the hookah.
    We have a hookah that combines the convenience of the smoking process and the combination of some processes in modern public communication. Without exaggeration, I will say that this is a new fashion trend in the world of mobile smart devices.


    The idea is open to both investment and full redemption.

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