Personal non-property and property rights for the invention belong to the author and protected under current legislation.
The author of the idea of smart jewelry and platform “Innovator” in today’s presentation continues promoting the theme of smart jewelry. Already exists in the development of the Hoop with a video camera. Smart Hoop “Innovator” has a lot more functionality, as will be presented below.
First and foremost, this smart decoration. And because smart Hoop has the ability to change its color and display certain information on its front surface, which consists of a flexible touch panel of the appropriate size. All of these functions corrects and controls the eponymous mobile app via Your gadget through the standard pairing. Further, revealing the smart Hoop, not stop at him embedded in speakers and microphone, which gives the opportunity work on the principle of bluetooth-headset with the ability of the vibration function of incoming calls.
The answer or reset the incoming call can be made by a nod of the head forward or backward, making it easier to use this device while driving or in other complex situations where hands are busy with other actions. Speaker app tells who is calling, and then the user decides to reject or answer the incoming call.
Smart Hoop will also use the functions of medical purpose, when its potential is the measurement of heart rate and intracranial pressure. This will allow the user of this device, and remotely, family or the doctor, be constantly aware of the state of health in the context of this measurement.
Already the technology when the Hoop mounted camera. We also use similar technology, but applied a new application of the camera in a smart wrap – smart-selfie, which will work with standing in front of the mirror. Also, the innovative component of this unit will be innovation, when smart Hoop will be built a few cameras that will allow you to produce circular shooting.
These are the basic functions of this device. The rest of the disclosure functionality will be possible with the investment partnership or the full redemption of this idea.
The rest of the disclosure of the functionality will be possible with an investment partnership or a full buyout of this idea.