• Social group network “INnovator”

    SN: SU25092023598

    Price USD: $

    Personal non-property and property rights to the invention belong to the author and are protected according to the norms of the current legislation.
    Once again, we are convinced of the clever saying – “Everything ingenious is simple!”. Today’s presentation of the author’s idea of the INnovator social group network is an example and confirmation of that. The “INnovator” platform together with the author of the idea will try to show this presentation of this startup more clearly and correctly.
    It will not be a mistake to say that there are millions of all kinds of groups and communities in different networks and Internet resources. Groups are created to unite people to achieve certain results. And if these groups are united into one global network, then the efforts to achieve the set goals of the participants of these groups will increase many times.
    Now let’s move on to specifics in the description of the functionality of this startup. First of all, as a fundamental requirement, it is registration in a social group network of only a group of participants. The system will offer to determine the name, topic of the group, number of participants and photo and video materials. After that, the distribution is based on the requested data and the formation in the corresponding groups. There will be a mirror effect of the group, which will take into account the name, topic and photo and video materials. This is already a standard function that will help increase the volume of visited groups and communication between these mirror groups.
    Existing groups of various social and professional networks and communities will have simplified registration, which will allow to quickly increase the audience and attendance of both participants and clients of these thematic groups. Simplified registration will ask for the name of the group and the resource where it is registered. In automatic mode, such a group will be registered and allocated to the appropriate category in the social group network according to the thematic principle. It would also be immediately clear that only group chats will be available in the basic version of this network. Personalized chats in the same group, or participants from different groups, will be available upon separate registration. Such a procedure will increase intra-group communication.
    That is, our brief presentation gives an idea of what prospects this idea has. The global expansion of the audience is guaranteed to occur, given that the registration will not be personalized for participants, but for whole groups of participants.
    The idea is open both for investment and for its full purchase.

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