• Social network of athletes and armwrestlers “Innovator”

    SN: SN20122023671

    Price USD: $3500



    Personal non-property and property rights for the invention belong to the author and protected under current legislation.

     Quickly enough and, as they say, leaps and bounds around the world, the growing popularity of the sport. We observe that from small to large, from grandparents to grandchildren, from parents to children, from friends to friends and acquaintances, passed on the types and methods of exercise.
     The idea is that we do not always find the opportunity of their employment, to communicate with each other on the topic of sports. And based on this, this idea laid the meaning of the social network of athletes armwrestlers and “Innovator”.
     The principle of operation of the network is that a huge number of people that live sports will be able to share their results and approaches to training in various sports, video and photos of training, then there will be the chat of the sports communication, news of the achievements in different sports, live broadcast of the Championships and competitions, tote. A special Department in the social network will belong to the armwrestlers.
     Innovative honors will be free registration for all fitness and gym clubs and halls, stadiums, swimming pools,gyms, all brand sports. Anyone can set up a membership in a particular club, to online consultation, to schedule an individual training session or even get to the consultation in electronic form, the algorithm of carrying out of training taking into account personal wishes and personal data. The consultation will be attended by professional trainers and qualified doctors. It will be for them a kind of advertising. That is, using this online service it is possible to do without a coach, having the foregoing algorithm. Also, in this network, a separate item will be proper nutrition, taking into account classes a particular sport will be the right individual schedule, taking into account personal employment. To the network will have the opportunity to join, by separate commercial registration, all kinds of shops that will offer promotional sports products.
     In the end we have a complete cycle sport communication and sport life that is so popular at this time.
     The idea is open for investment, and for its full redemption.

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