Personal non-property and property rights to the invention belong to the author and are protected in accordance with the norms of current legislation.
Moderation of the “INnovator” platform considers it necessary to inform at the beginning of the presentation that this author’s idea has a fairly high level of future popularization and rapid expansion of the number of users. This will be readily described below in the presentation material. It will also be seen from the published material that this social network has no analogues and is designed for the long-term financial prospects of future investors.
So, the task set by the author of this startup is to unite people. He found an innovative and original way for this – with the help of clothes and shoes. Based on the fact that a person cannot do without clothes and shoes in everyday life, we can already talk about a rapid increase in the number of users!
New users go through a fairly simple registration and can start using the functionality of this social network. For this, first and foremost, the user’s gadget must be equipped with a main or (and) front camera. Next, very simple and understandable user actions take place – a selfie is taken or simply a photo is taken of the clothes and shoes that the user will be wearing or is already wearing. The company or brand of clothes and shoes used is also indicated and posted on its page in the INNOVATOR clothing and shoes self-identification social network. Next, the functionality of this startup enters its work. It enters this information into its general database, scans it, and provides its user with information that lists similar scanned parameters. That is, you can give a simple example – today the user decided to wear ARMANI jeans, a POLO t-shirt and D&G moccasins. He takes a photo of his clothes and shoes, uploads them to this social network, marks his location, and in return receives results from the functionality in the form of complete or partial similarity of the clothes he wears and shoes with other users. Next, the social network informs both users about the complete or partial similarity of their clothes and shoes and offers them to start or continue communication. The exchange of contact data and further corresponding communication, at the request of two users already connected according to this principle, takes place at their mutual request.
Also, in the additional functions of the social network, there will be many options for expanding the circle of communication according to this principle, including direct communication with the store where the purchase was made to repeat this or that purchase to other users, if they liked the product on theirs, associated with this social network, users. Product delivery and exchange. And many other things that the author of this idea laid down in his functionality.
So, this social network of selfie-identification of clothes and shoes “INnovator” expands communication opportunities not only for its users, but also carries a marketing component in the issue of increasing the promotion and sale of the corresponding product on the part of brands and brands. That is, the combination of social and commercial aspects for the global growth of the future innovative social platform is clearly visible here.
This idea is open to both investment and full redemption.