• The first smart watch from Google revealed a new Fitbit patent

    The other day it became known about the purchase by Google of the manufacturer of wearable devices Fitbit. In light of the events, the corporation hastened to patent the acquired developments, and one of the first received the name – “Low-profile capsule for fitness monitoring”. The technical component of the device is hidden, but some details can be identified from the provided drawings.

    Previously, the main specialization of Fitbit was fitness devices, therefore, it is logical to continue the production line of the absorbed company. The product has the shape of a smart watch, where the places for the bracelet straps are visible.

    On the front side, there will be a square-shaped display, most likely with touchscreen support. On the reverse side, a sensor module similar to the one used to read the user’s medical parameters is indicated.

    By the way, the application was submitted by the previous owners of Fitbit back in May of this year, and the actual registration took place six months later. One can only assume that the 2.1 billion US dollars paid for Fitbit will be an economic success for Google.