• The Innovator series of game scanning mobile applications. Start-up “SHTRYHscan”

    SN: SU04082023554

    Price USD: $

    Personal non-property and property rights to the invention belong to the author and are protected in accordance with the norms of current legislation.

    A fairly global startup project.
    The idea has its continuation in the form of the INNOVATOR mobile application project of the SHTRYHscan startup and consists in the fact that when a barcode is scanned and (or) entered into a special field of the mobile application, the startup product, in the form of a surprise, provides the user with this new procedure has all kinds of incentive bonuses and accrues points. They can be provided in the form of paid programs that the user can download for free; in the form of discounts on one or another product; in the form of travel vouchers or valuable prizes, etc. for the most active users. Types of incentives have creative and marketing approaches, that is, there can be many of them.
    Of course, not all barcodes will be able to participate in this service at once. All this will attract manufacturers of one or another product to be a participant in this procedure. We perfectly understand that this will increase their sales. Barcodes participating in this new procedure will be visible with a red line or a red frame, in which the barcode itself will be.
    Also, those barcodes that have not yet been registered in the game scanning mobile application system can be scanned by users for quantitative volume for a certain reporting period (day, week, month and year) to increase the ranking indicators of the mobile application participants.

    That is, what we have from this startup project is the interest of buyers in buying products with a “marked” barcode and, accordingly, an increase in sales, an increase in users of this service, an increase in the popularity of various applications, etc.
    That’s why this start-up project of a game scanning mobile application “SHTRYHscan” is quite global.
    The project of this global idea is open for investment development or full purchase.

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