• The Innovator series of game scanning mobile applications. Startup “DISHscan”

    SN: SU03102023605

    Price USD: $

    Personal non-property and property rights to the invention belong to the author and are protected in accordance with the norms of current legislation.
    The author of game scanning mobile applications and the “Innovator” platform presents the continuation of this series. Game scanning implies in its functional work the combination of our usual actions with the game, using gadgets.

    The “DISHscan” application will be a free mobile application, which in its main functionality will work in cases where its user will take food. That is, when the user of this program, for example, came to have lunch at a restaurant or cafe, and the first action he would want to take after his order was brought would be a photo of the dishes at his table. Next, the mobile application downloads this photo to its database, scans it and compares it with identical photos of other users at that time. Collects all matches into a group and sends the processed data to all users whose scanned photos are matched, in the form of funny or congratulatory messages. For example, Mykola from Kyiv and Marika from Barcelona, after uploading a photo of their meal in the “DISHscan” application at the current time, received a message from the application with wishes for a pleasant appetite, since they had the same dish from the sweet table – cheese pie. Having received such a pleasant message, the program offers these users further continuation of communication at the level of correspondence. Everyone has the right to refuse or continue. Further, all processes take place at the mutual desire of all parties, following the example of communication in social networks.

    Accordingly, the more requests will be uploaded for the current time and date, the more matches will occur and the circle of communication will increase in this game scanning mobile application “DISHscan”. Eventually, we will be able to observe when the majority of people, before eating, will take pictures of their food and in return will receive pleasant messages on the screen of their gadget.
    This next author’s idea is open as an investment, as well as its complete redemption.

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