• A series of mobile applications “Inport”. Mobile individual disco portal “Indisco”

    SN: SU13092023588

    Price USD: $

    Personal non-property and property rights to the invention belong to the author and are protected in accordance with the norms of current legislation.
    The startup presented below is a real mobile application, the innovation of which lies in the virtual presence of its users in real places online. That is, the author of this original idea proposes to implement situational moments with the help of “INport” mobile applications when, for some reason, it is not possible to be in the desired places, and the presence is sufficiently desirable or necessary. This presentation will describe the virtual presence at the discotheques of the world using the mobile individual disco portal “Indisco”.
    So, on the one hand, now there is no problem to virtually visit any institution with access to video cameras via the Internet. But the moderation of the “INnovator” platform did not find a professional and original approach with the appropriate functionality, which is why it agreed to the presentation of this idea. First of all, for the full functioning of the program, institutions of this kind of disco will be asked to give appropriate access to their video cameras. They will be interested and happy to make their original disco events and parties known to a wider range of people, as users of this program will initially be able to attend these events virtually. After the first virtual visit to any discotheque, the application with its reminders will encourage the user to actually visit this discotheque. And now how will all this happen in real operation.
    The user installs the application specifying his location. The application provides a complete list of active discos with future programs and announcements. The user reserves a virtual visit to the relevant institution or institutions and waits for a sound or text message from the mobile application about the start of the event. Upon receiving the signal, the user will be able to view the progress of the entire disco event in real time with the possibility of virtual acquaintances or ordering songs. All this will be available only when booking a virtual visit of remote users and real visitors of the respective institution. Real visitors to discotheques in real time place a request about their desired plans for the evening, and wait for an offer to implement them. That is, when reserving a place at the disco, any virtual user will be able to see the offers of real visitors. Which is one of the most important functional innovations of this program.
    The same procedure applies to ordering songs or delivering dishes from the menu of this establishment. Also, the functionality will allow original combination of light and music with sound existing at the disco on the screen of the gadget. That is, the effect of presence, close to a real visit, will be obtained.
    In summing up the presentation, we can say that this application provides an original method of virtual presence at discos, using a fantastic method of porting.
    What is important for the future investment prospects of this startup is that it is quite right to make some services paid.
    This idea is open to both investment and full redemption.

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