• Virtual handshake mobile application “Innovator”

    SN: SU18072023538

    Price USD: $1500

    Personal non-property and property rights to the invention belong to the author and are protected in accordance with the norms of current legislation.
    As always, the administration of the “Innovator” platform does when it warns about similar projects before presenting a presentation of one or another idea, and this time too. Moreover, a similar project was published on the INnovator crowdfunding platform a little earlier.
    Of course, this project is different from the previous idea. And the principle of building functional work is completely different from such a project. Then let’s start the presentation..!
    The “Innovator” virtual handshake mobile application is an innovation of an innovative nature in the matter of virtual communication. The presentation will consist of two parts:
    part #1 – when registering in the mobile application, its user must leave his fingerprint or fingerprints in order to create an individual virtual card. Also, a new member can enter any of his data, not necessarily. By the way, advice, it is better to enter more of your data in order to quickly increase the circle of communication with the help of this program. So, the user of the virtual handshake startup, upon completion of registration, has his individual virtual card, which is stored in this mobile application in the form of a digital image and has an original visual appearance. How to further use this application and this card – two or more registered users, when they meet, include this mobile application, where the first and central image is this card. They bring the enabled screens with this app open closer to each other. After that, the virtual handshake application quickly, using the front cameras, recognizes the cards of these users and makes a sound signal. The sound signal corresponds to the handshake performed by the users of the mobile application. Group handshakes from 3 or more users are produced in the same procedure. In the generated virtual handshake, information of various contents can be transferred from user to user – how did you spend your day, who did you talk to, what did you eat, what movie did you watch, who did you meet, personal SMS from user to user, etc. After the virtual handshake, the user simply enters this program and reads the transmitted information on his gadget. The transfer of all this information, during the configuration of the operation of this program, can be programmed and adjusted during use. This is a new type of communication that can be called virtual contact.
    part #2 – to quickly increase the number of registered users, the downloaded application of any user can send invitations to join the network of virtual handshakes using the wi-fi zone, using the bluetooth function with connected gadgets, using social networks, using geolocation and further both virtual and personal acquaintance and communication.
    When searching for everything new and unusual, this author’s idea has a high investment status and global prospects for growth and popularization. Of course, the author’s functionality can be revealed in more detail and depth to both potential investors and potential buyers of this idea.

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